All our products are formulated with Magnetized Water.
Each product is clinically and dermatologically tested at the most prestigious Italian universities.
The results of oobjective assessments carried out for the long-term detection of the efficacy of the product:, have found that there was an average increase of + 15.54% in the diameter of the hair shaft, a decrease in the number of volunteers lost hair after PULL TEST and a positive change in hair density per square centimeter. The results of subjective evaluations found that there was an average increase of + 15.54% in the diameter of the hair shaft, a decrease in the number of volunteers lost hair after PULL TEST and a positive change in hair density per square centimeter.
From the dermatological control, the treatment has shown excellent skin tolerability, faster hair growth, with consequent hair thickening after 90 days of treatment.
1_ The treatment induces hair thinning.
2_ The treatment promotes the regrowth of new hair
3_ Treatment reduces thinning
4_ The treatment promotes hair lengthening
5_ The lotion does not dry hair and scalp
6_ The shampoo gently cleanses
The test provided reliable answers because it reflects the actual conditions of use of the product.
The results of the test show that Glycosan Plus Bio Complex is extremely effective in reducing hair loss and increasing traction resistance.
The averages calculated for the subjects tested show a decrease in hair loss of 51.28% (tab.1). The photographic images allowed to visually compare the test areas at the beginning of the test and after 120 days of treatment, showing a clear increase in hair number.
In androgenic alopecia, when the hair is pulled manually, the number of hairs taken is higher than normal conditions. After 120 days of treatment, there was a 28% reduction (tab.2) in the number of hairs removed by traction,
demonstrating its effectiveness in reducing hair loss. The test showed an improvement in the
biomechanical qualities of the hair, such as: thickness, elasticity and resistance.
Fig.1_ Scalp before treatment starts
Fig.2_ Scalp after 120 days of treatment
The Glycosan Plus Bio-Complex treatment, significantly reduces the presence of dandruff (60% decrease) and itching (47.05%) (tab.3) thanks to the supply of functional substances such as glycogen, glycosaminoglycans and collagen, which improve the metabolic conditions of the scalp. In fig.3 you can see the presence of dandruff at the beginning of treatment; in fig.4 instead you can see the clear decrease of desquamation that the subject has obtained after 120 days of treatment.
Fig.3_Photographic image of the scalp (vertex area) of subject no.13. There is an excess of desquamation with occlusion of the follicular osties at the time of inclusion (t0)
Fig.4_Photographic image of the scalp (vertex area) of subject 13 after 120 days of treatment. There is a decrease in furfuraceous desquamation and seborrhea.
Glycosan Plus Bio-Complex has been shown to have a marked activity in normalizing sebaceous secretion of the scalp, symptomatology which often accompanies the hair loss.
The statistical analysis showed a decrease of 54.05% in the seborrheic parametric area (tab.4).
The results obtained confirm that the treatment results in an improvement in the general condition of the scalp, optimizing the conditions that promote the stages of hair growth. Glycosan Plus Bio-Complex, is indicated in all cases of hair loss, poor growth, hair fragility, seborrhea, dandruff and itching.
Test of use carried out on 20 male and female subjects aged between 18 and 65 years, with reactive scalp, hypersensitive, with erythematoid-irritative and desquamative dermatitis, severe psoriasiform xerosis type, good general health. The volunteers used the products in question for 30 consecutive days, confirming that the results showed a clear improvement of the clinical picture
1_Improvement of the clinical status
2_Reduction of redness
3_Separation of dandruff and desquamation
4_Repair of small lesions and skin abrasions
5_Reduction of itching
6_Good soothing effect
7_Good cooling effect
8_Good decongestant effect
9_gentle cleansing
The volunteers used the products in question for 30 consecutive days, confirming that the results showed a clear improvement of the clinical status.
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Vivipharma Spa
Via Guardia del Consiglio 15, 47891 Galazzano (RSM)
phone: 0549 960550 – Fax: 0549 900248